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8 Reasons to Say ‘No’ to Shift & Night Work

8 Reasons to Say ‘No’ to Shift & Night Work

Unfortunately, working a typical 9 to 5 schedule isn’t an option for everyone. Shift work, which is defined as clocking in during evening, overnight or rotating hours, places many employees in danger of developing serious health issues. Check out what The Huffington Post wants you to know about negative effects of shift work:

1. It hurts sleep: Working the evening or night shift has been tied to getting less than 6 hours of sleep each night and doubled the risk of poor sleep quality in a study of police officers. Another study revealed that shift workers are getting less of the hormone that is associated with sleep and feel gooding, serotonin.

2. It raises your diabetes risk: Night shift workers and men who have an irregular work schedule are more likely to develop diabetes. Also, rotating shift work is associated with an increased Type 2 diabetes risk.

3. It raises your obesity risk:
Too little or too much sleep is a sure way to pack on some unwanted pounds. When our biological clocks are out of sync, we are more likely to eat too much of the wrong things that are loaded with sugar and fat.

4. It raises your breast cancer risk: A study published in the International Journal of Cancer found that breast cancer risk was increased by 30% for women who work the night shift.

5. It welcomes negative metabolic changes: A night shift schedule has been proven to impact blood sugar and insulin levels, along with lower levels of leptin, a hormone that helps keep you at a healthy weight. Those metabolic changes increase your risk for cardiovascular disease and other serious health conditions.

6. It raises your heart attack risk: A review of studies was able to show that working the night shift does increase the likelihood of having a heart attack.

7. It raises your risk of being injured on the job: Not having a consistent sleep schedule or working night hours, double the risk of being injured at your workplace. Sleepiness does interfere with your ability to make decisions, coordination and reaction time.

8. It raises your depression risk: Depression is more likely to occur among shift workers, compared to non-shift workers. In vulnerable individuals, it can cause or incite mood disorders.

You may not be able to change your work schedule, but always try to get schedule that is as consistent as possible and keep a regular sleep/wake time to keep your circadian rhythm in sync. Allow sleep to keep you in great health and spirits each night!


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