Archive | GF Community

The Story of Gallery Furniture’s Rise to the Top
“Late to Bed, Early to Rise. Work like Hell and ADVERTISE.” – Jim McIngvale “What are you going to do next?” Jim McIngvale’s football coach asked at the end of the season in 1972. Despite lack of size and speed, McIngvale had become a team captain, in his senior year, through determination and drive. “I’m […]

Christmas 2014: Faith, Family and Work
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son …” Looking around at our world today, this Christmas Day, do you think God ever regrets – even for a fleeting moment – giving us the Savior, the Word made Flesh? After all, the history of mankind since the time of Christ seems […]

Review Gallery Furniture Sleep Products for Rewards!
Take a moment to think about how well you’ve been sleeping lately. Here at Gallery Furniture, we embrace everything that high-quality sleep has to offer and we want to make sure that you have the necessary sleep resources. The importance of an excellent mattress is one that shouldn’t be taken lightly, so our selections include […]

An interview with Gallery Furniture Sleep Expert Billy Sotiropoulos
(Houston, TX) – A couple of weeks ago, The Sleep Center had an opportunity to sit down with a fantastic Gallery Furniture employee Mr. Billy Sotiropoulos, who has worked in the bedding department of Gallery Furniture for the past 13 years. Billy truly embodies the Gallery Furniture atmosphere and value for customer service. He offered […]

What Sets the Dormeo Octaspring Mattress Apart from the Pack?
According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, at minimum, 40 million Americans suffer from consistent sleep disorders every year. Additionally, 20 million more Americans are sporadically affected by sleep disorders. In our fast paced, seemingly 24-7-365 society, it’s getting harder and harder to get a good night’s rest. From room temperature, to […]

8 Tips to Help You Get to Sleep, Now!
An overhaul of one’s lifestyle to improve sleep quality can be difficult and time consuming—although worth it! But, today, we’ve got 10 tips that you can use when you need to get to sleep quickly! 1. Take a warm shower before bed: Your body’s temperature decreases naturally as you lie in bed and drift off to sleep. […]

Sleep Helps Birds Retain Information
A new study has shown that sleep helps starlings remember tasks learned throughout the day. While sleep playing a crucial role in helping to recall actions and information from the day before may seem like old news, this research is different. In this case, researches at the University of Chicago trained 48 starlings to learn […]

5 Steps to a Clean Mattress For this Spring!
Sleep hygiene is very important to maintaining a great environment for where you snooze. Sheets should be cleaned every week to two weeks, in very hot water. But, what about your mattress? Follow these easy steps to clean your mattress this spring! 1. Air it out: Clear your mattress of all sheets, and protectors. Then, […]

Made in USA Furniture
Today a new shipment of solid wood furniture came into Gallery Furniture from American craftsmen and craftswomen in the heartland of America. Solid wood tables, chairs, sideboards, buffets, and more were greeted by “ooh”s and “ahh”s as the staff of Gallery Furniture inspected this new solid wood furniture.Also, bedroom furniture arrived that is solid wood, […]
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