It is believed that the study of sleep has existed since the beginning of time. Researchers find it difficult to pinpoint any particular person, date or event that began sleep research. There are very few, if any, medical specialties that do not intersect with the study of sleep. It is a multidisciplinary science. Here are […]
Archive | Sleep History
The Father of Modern Sleep Research
Born in 1895 in Kishinev, Russia, Dr. Nathaniel Kleitman is known as the first person to completely devote himself to the study of sleep and compose the knowledge into collective text. While working along with his students at the University of Chicago, Dr. Kleitman made significant contributions to sleep research. He is credited as the […]
The History of Sleeping Pills
Inducing sleep can be traced back to ancient times. People used herbs, smoked opium and drank excessively to force themselves to sleep. It wasn’t until the second Scientific Revolution (16th-18th centuries) that formal chemistry introduced drugs that could knock people out. During the 19th century, ether was used as an anesthetic and was abused by […]
The History Of The Mattress
The Better Sleep Council has released a new time-line showing a brief history of the mattress from long ago to modern day. 10,000 years ago people began sleeping on primitive beds, and it wasn’t until the Egyptian pharaohs that humans discovered the benefits of sleeping elevated off of the earth. During the Roman Empire the […]
The History of Kids And Sleep
Many times it is difficult for parents to get their children to sleep, and a new study shows that it has remained hard to get children to sleep for at least the past 100-years. Researchers have dug deep looking for every study about children’s sleep from the past 112-years and found at least 300 such […]
A Short History of Sleep: The Ideas that have Formed Today’s Outlook on Shuteye
At the Gallery Furniture Sleep Center, we often find ourselves scouring journals and other resources in an effort to help our readers such as yourself attain better sleep patterns, and ultimately be more productive in your waking hours. However, it’s rare that we take a look at the past in relation to rest. Today, we […]
Sleep Habits of Presidents
As the President of the United States, there are many obstacles in the way of achieving reasonable health. In an online slide show, the Huffington Post breaks down the known sleep habits of a few past Presidents. Being President of US is the most stressful job in America. William Howard Taft suffered from sleep apnea […]
Baby Boomers With Sleep Disorders
Dr. William Kohler, a Florida sleep specialist says that the Baby Boomers are starting to realize what many have known for years – while aging doesn’t necessarily mean worse sleep, for many, it does. Dr. Kohler warns that as you grow older, it may actually be easier to develop sleep disorders and problems that can […]
Your Brain Keeps Remembering While You Sleep
No matter how dark and quiet the room is while you sleep, your brain is still working rapidly and having its own conversation. A new study shows that a part of the brain called the endorhinal cortex engages in something called persistent activity while you sleep. This persistent activity is what is responsible during the […]
Seasons Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year!!!
From all of us here at Gallery Furniture; We would like to take this opportunity to let you know how much you are appreciated. Seasons Greetings, best wishes for a wonderful holiday, and may peace and joy be yours during this wonderful season. We hope that the coming year will bring you peace, good health, cheer and much […]
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