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Archive | Sleep Resources

The Ultimate Control: Lucid Dreaming 101

The Ultimate Control: Lucid Dreaming 101 Sleep in general is fascinating, but we must admit that lucid dreaming always catches our eye. Defined as a dreaming state in which you can manipulate the plot of your dream, the outcome, and your overall dream experience, lucid dreaming sounds like a science fiction movie, but it is an ability that many people […]

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Study Links Sleep Apnea With Cancer And Stroke Risk

Study Links Sleep Apnea With Cancer And Stroke Risk

The dangers of  obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) should not be taken lightly. Researchers from the University of Sydney have strong evidence that people with moderate to severe OSA have a significantly higher risk of developing cancer, stroke, and face an early death. Published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, the 20-year study included 397 adults, and […]

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