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FDA Suggests Lower Doses of Popular Sleep Medications

FDA Suggests Lower Doses of Popular Sleep Medications

The FDA will require drug manufacturers that make sleep medications containing zolpidem reduce the dosage, cutting it in half. Zolpidem is the active ingredient in several of the most prescribed sleep medications available such as Ambien and Edular.

The new requirement is being put into place based on researching showing that morning blood levels of the medication may be high enough to reduce alertness and affect your ability to drive. It has an even high higher risk for women because it takes a significantly longer for women’s bodies’ to process and eliminate the drug from their systems, making its effects last longer on them. By reducing the dosage, the FDA is hoping it will reduce the impairment drowsiness that you have early in the morning. For women, the recommended dosage has been lowered from 10 milligrams to 5 milligrams. The dosage for men will not be required to be lowered by the FDA.

The FDA may be on to something by lowering the dosage, but there are other factors to early drowsiness and grogginess. Those who have been subscribed to the drugs containing zolpidem may not be giving themselves enough time in bed to sleep after taking the drug, not allowing its effects to subside. Another issue could be the patients that are subscribed to the drug may not be following directions properly or are taking another drug while consuming the zolpidem medications.

Alternatives to helping yourself get more sleep include cognitive-behavioral therapy. Studies have shown that this treatment can be just as or even more effective than prescribed medications. Also consider meditation and relaxation as both practices have shown the ability to improve sleep, diminish insomnia symptoms and other sleep disorders.

Always consult your physician before making dosage changes to any prescribed medication. Do not make that decision on your own. Alternatives to medication to help get to sleep include herbs such as valerian, getting more sun, increasing exercise and creating a sleep friendly environment.

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