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Introducing ‘GoSleep’ Sleeping Pods

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No time to catch up on your snooze in a hotel when you travel? Abu Dhabi International Airport is solving that problem with sleeping pods intended to help travels catch up on lost hours of rest. 10 sleeping pods have been installed inside airport terminals, according to NBC News.

‘GoSleep’ pods appear as futuristic-looking chairs but convert to a flat bed with a pull down garage-style cover that shuts out noise and light. Travelers can enjoy a comfortable nap for about $12. Upgrades such as Internet access, storage space for valuables, and charging stations for electronics will be added later this year along with 35 additional pods.

Would you use a ‘GoSleep’ Sleeping Pod? How much do you value a quick nap? Naps are proven to be beneficial to our health and make us more productive during the day. Check out these sleep tips on how to get the most out of a nap!

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