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Tag Archives | Sleep Importance

Consistent Wake and Bedtimes May Prevent Mental Illness

Consistent Wake and Bedtimes May Prevent Mental Illness

Sticking to a daily routine that includes waking up and falling asleep at the same time everyday can be difficult amongst life’s chaos. Nonetheless, daily routines revolving around eating and sleeping may be more beneficial to our mental health than we realize. According to new research published in the journal eLife, staying consistent with our […]

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Sleep Issues May Lead to Poor Bone Health

Sleep Issues May Lead to Poor Bone Health

According to science, sleep deprivation could negatively affect the health of bone and bone marrow. Just last year rats were used in a study, which had its findings published in the journal Experimental Biology and Medicine. Sleep-deprived rats had a decreased bone mineral density, which in humans would indicate osteoporosis. Also, the rats that didn’t get […]

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Naps May Protect Your Health From Sleep Loss Risks

Naps May Protect Your Health From Sleep Loss Risks

According to a new study, a short nap can do so much more than boost your energy, creativity, memory and productivity. It can help strengthen your immune system and relieve stress, especially if you are running low on snooze from the night before. Published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, researchers […]

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Insomnia Linked to Increased Risk of Hypertension

Insomnia Linked to Increased Risk of Hypertension

Obtaining proper sleep doesn’t come easy for insomniacs, and the list of health concerns for the sleep-deprived just keeps getting longer. According to new research, insomniacs who regularly take longer than 14 minutes to fall asleep are at a greater risk for developing hypertension. Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by having difficulty […]

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