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The Aging Of Our Eyes May Affect Our Circadian Clocks


Last year the New York Times ran a story that outlined research working to connect the aging of our eyes our circadian clocks and therefore our overall health. The piece shot to the top of the most story read list, and brings up some interesting connections.

The circadian clock is our internal biological clock, and helps us live in rhythm in a 24-hour day. Our bodies’ circadian clocks are driven by our exposure to light, and scientists have discovered a group of cells in the eyes that are triggered by light and play a critical role in communicating and controlling our circadian clocks, which can be very sensitive to interruptions. As our eyes age, our bodies circadian clocks function less effectively because our eyes absorb light less effectively. As we age, it is important to expose ourselves to sunlight to help boost and strengthen our circadian cycles.

To read the original article…

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