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6 Things to Avoid Before Your Snooze Tonight

6 Things Avoid Before You Snooze

How have you been sleeping lately? Many habits that you may not realize could be contributing to an inability to fall asleep, stay asleep or wake up feeling refreshed in the morning. To get back on track with your high-quality shut-eye, Fit Sugar suggests that you avoid these habits before bed:

Getting emotionally wound up: Bedtime is not the time to argue with a spouse, watch disturbing shows on TV, or even read a book that has you on a emotional roller coaster. Calm your emotions and nerves by drinking herbal tea, reading a light novel, meditating, or taking a hot bath instead.

Eating greasy or high-fat foods: Heavy foods will not only increase the chances of you waking up the middle of the night due to discomfort, but you may not recover and feel sluggish in the morning. Just say no to ice cream, fast food, spicy foods, and other foods that will give you acid reflux or indigestion.

Staring at a screen: The blue light emitted from devices such as laptops, TVs, smartphones, and iPads, suppress your body’s production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. In addition, they stimulate your brain, making it harder to relax and unwind. Try reading, stretching, or meditating before bed to allow your body to get you ready for bedtime.

Doing intense cardio: Exercising regularly has been proven by research studies to improve sleep duration and quality, but it’s important to find the right time to do it. After a workout you are hungry, your heart rate and body temperature are up, and you are bursting with energy– which isn’t ideal for sleep. Finish a workout at least 3 hours before bedtime to get better sleep.

Working late: The last thing on your might before you fall asleep shouldn’t be work; it’s only going to stress you out. This is exactly why shouldn’t try to get ahead on a project or prep for a meeting before you get your shut-eye. Put away those files at least an hour before bed to give your brain a much needed break.

Drinking caffeine: Coffee, tea, soda, and even a few bites of your favorite chocolate can wreak havoc on your good night snooze. Put down the coffee early in the afternoon as coffee can take hours to leave your system even if you don’t feel its initial effects. Also, avoid alcohol too close to bedtime, even if it causes you to fall asleep faster, you’ll probably wake up in the middle of the night.

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