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7 Quick Facts About Sleep!

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Today, we’ve got 7 quick facts about sleep for you! Some of them may be quite surprising!

1. The longest recorded period without sleep is 18 days, 21 hours, and 40 minutes—the record holder reported hallucinations and paranoia, and his speech was drastically slurred.

2. An infant typically causes on average 400-750 hours of sleep lost for the parent in the first year of life.

3. Being able to fall asleep within five minutes of lying down is an indicator of sleep deprivation—the ideal time frame to fall asleep in after initial getting in bed is 10-15 minutes

4. No one knows for certain if other species dream.

5. Elephants sleep standing up during non-REM cycle sleep, but lie down upon entering REM sleep

6. Humans sleep on average 3 hours less per night than other primates like chimpanzees and baboons, who typically sleep for 10 hours per 24 hour period.

7. Most of what we know about sleep has been learned in the last quarter-century

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