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Yoga Alone Shown to Help Those With Sleep Disorders

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It has long since been reported that yoga can help curb back pain, relieve stress, and increase flexibility. But, who would have thought that yoga would be able to help those suffering from sleeping disorders?

Researchers in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University School of Medicine began their study by analyzing data gathered from 124 previous tests. By the time they were done, they had whittled down their sources to 16, in an attempt to only use quality data.

In one study cited, older people showed substantial improvement in sleep quality after doing yoga for six months. By the end of their observed time, participants had achieved a reduction in sleep latency (being unconscious but not necessarily asleep) by ten minutes. Even more impressive, they increased the average time asleep by about an hour.

More studies still need to be performed to replicate results found in these studies. However, the combination of rigorously inspected evidence does suggest that yoga can help increase quality of sleep.

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