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Guide Your Children to Success With A Nap

Guide Your Children to Success With A Nap

Children may not understand the benefits of nap time but, it has been proven to have positive effects. Researchers recently studied 40 pre-school aged children between the ages of 3-5. After taking a nap for an hour after their lunch time, the children performed better on visual-spatial tasks. Amazingly, the benefits even continued the next day!

Naps are far from a waste of time. As the researchers monitored the brain activity of the children, it was noted that there was more activity the parts of the brain associated with learning and integrating new information. The learning was continuing as the children slept.

Parents are encouraged to be mindful of over-scheduling. After school activities such as sports, dance and play dates are a great way for children learn and practice social skills but, the brain needs time to process the new information.

Sleep is an important aspect of our mental, physical and emotional growth. Make sleep a top priority for our future generation. Not exactly how many hours your children need? Find out here!

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