Are you expecting a new baby or taking the steps to add an adorable bundle of joy to your family? A new study is suggesting that women stay away from light at night and embrace darkness, as it is vital to keeping their reproductive health in order, protecting a developing baby. Study researcher and professor […]
Tag Archives | Sleep Importance
The Connection Between Poor Sleep and Drowsy Driving
If you need another reason to get to be proper amount of sleep; this shocking info-graphic concerning drowsy driving might do the trick. Provided by The Huffington Post and based off data gathered by the Centers for Disease Control from 2011 to 2012, it shows just how many people are affected by poor sleep and the […]
Why You Should Take Sleep More Seriously
We are always stressing the importance of sleep here at Gallery Furniture and we love sharing meaningful material that may inspire you to do so as well. In an effort to raise awareness of the dangers of sleep deprivation, PR Daily Europe created an easy-to-read info-graphic that covers several main points of how you put yourself […]
4 Skin Problems You Can Remedy With Sleep
Regardless of how important sleep is, many people ignore the consequences to make more time for work, happy hour with friends, or morning exercise. Sleep is critical to skin health and we need it to recover from the sun and other outside elements. Bella Sugar suggests that you take into consideration these major beauty issues […]
Deaths Linked to Chronic Sleep Loss and the World Cup
Unfortunately, sometimes it takes real situations to reiterate just how dangerous sleep deprivation truly is. The Huffington Post is reporting the death of a 39-year-old Chinese soccer fan who died from a stroke after staying up 48 hours straight to watch the 2014 FIFA World Cup games. After the match between Costa Rica and Uruguay on […]
Chronic Sleep Loss May Allow Toxins to Enter the Brain
The reason why we need sleep is still being researched with many different theories at the center of the debate. However, new research may have unlocked a piece of the puzzle, finding that chronic sleep loss can cause dangerous neurotoxic molecules that normally circulate in our blood, to enter the central nervous system and interfere […]
What Nightmares May Reveal About One’s Health
While many theories about dreams remain unverified, many researchers agree that nightmares could be a sign of a physical health issue. During REM (rapid eye movement) sleep all dreams occur, which is critical to mental health. When REM sleep is disrupted due to stress, hormonal changes, or respiratory issues, nightmares are a frequent result. The […]
Study Finds Increased Suicide Risk at Night
A new study is providing evidence that suicide may be more likely to occur at night between 12 am and 4am, compared to daytime and evening hours. This is the first data collected that suggests circadian factors may play a huge role in the risk of suicides, and provide reason as to why insomnia is […]
Poor Sleep Linked to Poor Academic Performance in College
College students are notorious for poor sleep habits between maintaining classes, social lives, and possibly a job. However, a new small study was presented this week at SLEEP 2014 indicating that students who sleep poorly are more likely to get perform poorly academically and withdraw from courses, compared to students with healthy sleep habits. Data […]
An Up Close and Personal Look at Chronic Sleep Loss
If you don’t believe in the risks associated with chronic sleep loss, this info- graphic we found on The Huffington Post may change your mind. Even just one night of sleep deprivation can have tremendous effects on your daily life, with some consequences changing its course completely. To reduce health risks, make sure you get […]
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