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Women and Men Handle Lackluster Sleep Differently, Affecting Marriages



Husband or wife, no one likes the way they feel after waking up from a night full of tossing and turning. Grogginess, fatigue, and irritation can all lead to a stressful day in anyone’s household.

However, a new study suggests that more martial tension can be seen the day after a wife loses out on sleep, in comparison to a husband. For 10 nights, researchers observed the sleep of 35 married spouses. The couples recorded their perceptions of next day interactions in journals, while devices tracked the quality of sleep they each got.

The study found that when a wife lost sleep, it led to a more adverse atmosphere and communication. In contrast, when husbands were sleep deprived, there was little to no bearing on the relationship. According to Wendy Troxel, who led the study, “Men are more likely to repress their feelings or not be as aware or tuned into the climate of change taking place.” This could account for at least some of the differences in how married men and women react to a lack of sleep. Furthermore, the study shows just how important good-quality sleep can be to a marriage.


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