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Lower Life Satisfaction Linked to Trouble Falling Asleep

Lower Life Satisfaction Linked to Trouble Falling Asleep

Does quality sleep truly bring you more happiness? According to lead study author and recent graduate of Ohio Northern University Hayley O’Hara, sleep issues are linked to lower life satisfaction during midlife.

“These findings support the idea that life satisfaction is interlinked with many measures of sleep and sleep quality, suggesting that improving one of these variables might result in improvement in the other,” explains O’Hara, in their press release shared by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

3, 950 adults between the ages of 17 and 74 were asked to fill out a 6-item life satisfaction survey. The data was then used to place the participants in low, medium, or high levels of life satisfaction groups. Additionally, the researchers took into account the subjective measure of minutes it took each of the participants to fall asleep.

The participants with higher life satisfaction reported shorter times it took them to fall asleep, with shorter sleep onset latency scores (SOL). Taking longer to fall asleep was associated with lower life satisfaction, anxiety and worry being suspected causes.

This is just one of the many amazing presentations being shared this year at SLEEP 2015. Taking place in Seattle, Washington this year, the annual meeting features more than 5,000 sleep scientists and sleep medicine physicians who will be involved in the scientific program of approximately 1,200 research presentations.

However, you can read more details on this study read online in the journal Sleep.

Just last year SLEEP 2014, shared with us how sleep impacts perception, the benefits of light therapy on the sleep of Alzheimer’s patients and what having a happy wife means for the sleep of couples. What to do you think of the latest findings in sleep research?

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