You have probably noticed that when you wake up a number of times throughout the night, you don’t feel at your best in the morning. According to a new study, disrupted sleep sleep be causing more issues that simply a bad day, it can speed up the growth of cancer cells because of a weakened […]
Tag Archives | Sleep Importance
Disrupted Sleep Schedule Linked to Gene’s Circadian Rhythm
Sleep Is An Underrated Weight Loss Tool
With all of the amazing food, it’s not uncommon to gain a couple of pounds during the holidays. But, shedding those pounds? That can be a different story. Sleeping more may be exactly what you need. Not only does high quality sleep help you to maintain your weight and reduce health risks such as diabetes […]
5 Ways Skipping Sleep Drags You Down
Some of the most common associations with sleep deprivation include exhaustion, grogginess and grumpiness. Science reveals that there are more ways that a single night of poor sleep can throw you off! 1. You’re feeling depressed, and anxious: Researchers found that individuals who slept less than 6 hours night before, scored significantly higher in levels of […]
Missing Sleep May Increase Aggressive Breast Cancer Risk
The association between sleep and cancer is a complex one, as researchers have yet to identify a cause-and effect relationship. While researchers do know that regularly getting too little sleep increases the risk of cancer overall, a recent study suggests a lack of sleep may specifically increase the risk of aggressive breast cancer. Researchers from […]
Brain Connections Strengthen As Children Sleep
Numerous studies have shown just how important sleep is to the brain and its development. A recent one is providing another reason to make sure your children get the proper amount of sleep. Published in the journal Brain Sciences, a new study shows that connections are strengthened between the right and left hemispheres of the […]
6 Health Conditions Sleep Can Improve
Could it really be as simple as sleep more, become a healthier you? We know that sleep-deprivation leads to dangerous risks, but often times we forget that sleep has many positive benefits. It won’t cure cancer or save you from a heart attack, but getting enough quality shut-eye may be exactly what you need to […]
New Study Finds A Link Between Sleep Schedule And Body Fat
A new study shows that sticking to a consistent bedtime and wake time don’t just improve sleep quality, it could be also be beneficial for managing our waistlines. Researchers from Brigham Young University found a link between having a consistent sleep and wake time and less body fat among young women. The sleep and physical […]
How Sleep Really Affects Your Immune System
According to a new study, our genes that set our body’s internal clock are linked to certain immune cells. This could explain why jet lag, shift work or staying up late on your tablet or smartphone may make you sick. Our body’s clock is set for two 12-hour periods of light and darkness, when the […]
Night Owl Teens May Face Academic And Emotional Consequences
Homework, social networking, friends, late sports practices and hormonal changes all contribute to teenagers staying up late on school nights. A new study suggests that teens that go to bed late at night may not just experience academic problems, but emotional ones as well. Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley included 2,700 teens in […]
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