New research shows exactly how important sleep is to living a healthy lifestyle. A recent study has found that a good night’s sleep can increase the cardiovascular benefits of a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Results of a large Dutch population study concluded that sleep increases the ability of lifestyle habits such as dieting, exercise, […]
Tag Archives | Sleep Importance
Your Body Without Sleep
Think you should skip the advised 7-9 hours of sleep every night? This list should convince you to think again. Without Sleep: You Crave Junk Food. Not enough sleep can interrupt with the hormones that regulate your appetite and make you want to consume foods that are high in fat and carbohydrates. A study showed […]
Lack of Consistent Bedtimes for Children May Lead to Poor Development
It can be difficult for parents to get their young children to bed at a consistent time but, research shows sticking to a schedule can be very beneficial. A consistent bedtime not only ensures that children get the proper amount of sleep they need, it also affects their cognitive development that can last beyond those […]
Teens Eat More Unhealthy Foods When Sleep Deprived
The difference between teenagers choosing pizza or a salad for lunch can be influenced by whether or not they got enough sleep the night before. At the annual SLEEP 2013 conference, research was presented showing that sleep-deprived teens eat less healthily than teens that are well rested. Sleepy teens eat more unhealthy foods and less […]
Ways Sleep Helps Your Workout
Sleep has long been associated with mental and physical health, protecting you from mental issues like stress all the way to heart disease. Now many researchers are reporting that it can be helpful in performing better in your daily workout. Octaspring sleep expert Tim Pinchin, recently shared his thoughts on how much sleep is needed […]
How Our Brains Prepare For the Next Day While We Sleep
Researchers have found that our brain prepares for interpreting everything we may encounter the next day while we sleep. It has been known for some time that our mind commits to memory what we have heard throughout the day while we catch some much-needed shuteye. Furthermore, it consolidates and organizes this information – something similar […]
Study Suggests Link between Sleep Apnea and Glaucoma
Researchers at Taipei Medical University in Taiwan, have discovered that people with sleep apnea have a greater risk of developing glaucoma. Glaucoma is the 2nd leading cause of blindness worldwide, affecting nearly 60 million people. Without treatment, glaucoma reduces peripheral vision and leads to full blindness by damaging the optic nerve. The disease is painless and […]
Lack of Sleep Could Produce False Concussion Test Results
According to a new study at Vanderbilt University, too little sleep can affect the accuracy of concussion testing. A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury, which is often caused by some kind of blow to the head. A person does not always have to lose consciousness to suffer a concussion; other symptoms include […]
New Study Points to Poor Sleep Leading to Dementia
According to a new study by Mayo Clinic, men who suffered from REM (rapid eye movement) sleep behavior disorder relatively early in life were five times as likely to develop Lewy Body Dementia later on down the road. REM sleep behavior disorder is a condition wherein the body does not automatically paralyze itself during […]
Birth Outcomes in Pregnant Women Linked to Sleep Quality
Poor sleep quality could be affecting the birth outcomes for many pregnant women, especially if suffering from depression. A study conducted by the University of Pittsburg School of Medicine found that less sleep in pregnant women caused a disruption in their immune systems, especially in women with depression. These fluctuations of the immune system could […]
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