Children suffering from cystic fibrosis often suffer from sleep apnea as well, an Italian study shows. Of 40 participants, 70% suffered from obstructive sleep apnea necessary of treatment. Cystic fibrosis is a deadly disease passed down from parent to child which causes the body to produce a thick mucus in the lungs and pancreas. It […]
Archive | Sleep Center Blog

Magnetic Brain Therapy Treats Depression Without Negatively Affecting Sleep
One of the major signs and symptoms of depression is insomnia, or trouble sleeping. It occurs in 50-90% of depressed patients, and it occurs not only because of depression but also the traditional treatment. Many antidepressants prescribed today can stimulate the patient, making it hard to sleep, or they cause fatigue during the day, disrupting sleep […]

Sleep Apnea Treatment Should Be Viewed As Investment, Not Cost
The American Sleep Apnea Association is pushing for businesses to view the treatment of their employees sleep apnea as an investment rather than a cost. By treating the disorder companies can expect healthier employees who come to work more often. Sleep apnea is a costly disorder, costing businesses between $67 billion and $165 billion in […]

Dental Appliance May Offer Relief For Sleep Apnea Sufferers
Some dentists are recommending a dental appliance similar to a mouth-guard as an alternative to traditional treatment methods for obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea affects between 12 and 18 million Americans on a nightly basis, and many use a CPAP, or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, machine to assist in regulating their breathing while they sleep. […]

New Advances in Technology Lead to Affordable, Accurate Sleep Apnea Detection
A new test using an electronic nose to detect sleep apnea was able to diagnose the disorder correctly 93% of the time. Compared to traditional, costly methods, the new electronic nose, which monitors the breathing of an individual, can accurately diagnose the disorder. Normally, a patient would undergo a one-night study in a hospital or […]

Bullying in The Workplace May Lead to Sleep Troubles at Home
Sleep disorders are a particularly costly problem in the workplace, costing developed countries millions of dollars a year in lost revenue due to mistakes and inefficiency. Researchers believe that workplace bullying is one contributing factor to this problem. A study of over 7,000 adult workers from south-east France showed that not only was workplace bullying […]

Sleep Disorders in Elderly May Be Caused By Aging
The benefits of getting good quality sleep on a regular basis are well documented, and as people age the benefits of quality sleep only increase. A study shows, however, that the way the body ages naturally may contribute to sleep disorders. A study of 970 people aged 30 to 60 years of age suggests that […]

Sleep Disorders and PTSD Fuel Each Other
Just as important as sleep is for memory consolidation, sleep is also necessary for the opposite; forgetting things we no longer need to worry about. This is one common problem that sufferers of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, face on a daily basis. The root of the disorder, however, may lie in the sleeping […]

Improving Sleep May Decrease Suicide Risk
The benefits of sleep regarding cases of depression are well-known, and sleep and exercise and at the top of the list of natural ways to improve the condition. A new study shows that sleep may also be beneficial to those at risk of suicide. Not getting enough sleep is a common daily problem in developed […]
Sleep Quality and Language Development in Children
Researchers looking at the link between sleep-wake consolidation and language development in infants found that poor sleep consolidation in the first 2 years of life can be a risk factor regarding language learning. The study shows that children with language delays at 60 months of age had problems with sleep consolidation at both 6 and […]
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