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6 Reasons To Get More Sleep

6 Reasons To Get More Sleep

If that cranky feeling in the morning isn’t a big enough reason to strive to attain the 7-9 hours of sleep a night recommended for adults by the Nation Sleep Foundation, try these reasons to sleep more on for size:

1. You Brain Stays Powerful: Studies show that when the amount of sleep decreases to 6 hours a night so does brain performance, especially in the areas of reasoning and vocabulary. Sleep has restorative properties for the brain, and getting at least 7 hours of sleep has been linked with a lowered risk of developing dementia.

2. You Will Feel Stronger: Oversleeping is more powerful than painkillers. Sleep decreases pain sensitivity. Try to get 1 or 2 extra hours of sleep for several nights before a surgery and reap the benefits. In one study, participants were 25% less sensitive to pain, and more alert after they slept 10 hours the 4 previous nights.

3. You Will Able to Fight Off Cravings: A lack of sleep increases the appetite stimulating hormone, gherlin and decreasing the appetite suppressant, leptin.  Cheat yourself out of sleep and you’ll pack on more pounds as you crave more carbs, and fatty foods.

4. Your Body Will Be More Effective: We need our bodies to do damage control, such as clearing up glucose from our blood. Sleep deprivation reduces that ability by 25%, leading to abnormal blood sugar levels, which can lead to diabetes.

5. It Will Protect Your Breasts: By sleeping at least 7 hours a night, you a 62% increased of risk of developing breast cancer compared with those that do not get adequate rest. Sleep produces the hormone-regulating chemical melatonin, which in turn suppresses excess estrogen. Too much estrogen, unchecked, may stimulate cancerous breast cell division.

7. You Can Store It: If you oversleep with 10 hours of sleep a night ahead of time, it can protect you from subsequent short sleep. A week’s investment before sleep deprivation can make you alert longer and help you recover faster.


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