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Good Quality Sleep Means Less Fighting Between Couples

Good Quality Sleep Means Less Fighting Between Couples


A study conduced at UC Berkeley found that after a bad night’s sleep couples are more likely to have disagreements. There have been additional studies from University of Pittsburgh in 2011 that uncovered similar results, but stated that it was only when wives reported having trouble sleeping that there was martial conflict, and that a happy marriage can lower the potential of sleep problems. In all studies, people who reported having a difficult night’s sleep had more relationship conflicts during the day.

The largest complaint of newlyweds against their sleep partner is sleep talking or snoring, 26% of newlyweds polled said this was the worst sleep habit of their spouse. The next most annoying tendency for newlyweds is midnight snacking and crumbs in the bed. Fifteen percent found their partners early bedtimes cumbersome, and another 15% hoped a new mattress would help their sleep issues.

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