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Lack of Sleep May Make You Less Grateful

Lack of Sleep May Make You Less Grateful

Research has indicated that a lack of sleep could be the culprit for making a significant other feel less grateful in their relationship. A recent study found that sleep deprivation has an effect on our expressions of gratitude, making those people around us feel unappreciated. We tend to be selfish and place our needs above others’ when we sleep poorly.

At the University of California, Berkeley, researchers conducted a study that included more than 60 participants ranging in age from 18 to 56. In the first part of the study, participants listed 5 things they were grateful for while researchers analyzed their sleep quality from the night before. Those who slept poorly were less appreciative than those who gotten a good night’s sleep.

For the second part of the study, participants recorded how well they slept for 2 weeks and how grateful they felt each day. The results showed an association between poor sleep and decreased feelings of gratitude. During the third part of the study, researchers analyzed sleep and the gratitude of couples. Poor sleep was linked fewer feelings of appreciation from the other person.

We should be mindful that sleep doesn’t just have an effect on us; it effects how we interact with others. Mattress Mack says, “The quality of your life is directly related to the quality of your sleep.” This article further reinforces that mantra! To have an attitude of gratitude – sleep better and have more loving relationships with your spouse, children, friends and coworkers. Sleep is life’s elixir!

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