Mild Electronic Stimulation Therapy May Treat Sleep Apnea
For the millions of people who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and their spouses, relief may not be too far off. A recent study has published the results of a phase III test trial regarding a possible additional treatment for OSA, mild electronic stimulation therapy. Currently, the top treatments for OSA are continuous positive […]
Sleep Deprived? Things You Should Avoid Today
A lack of sleep is commonly known to cause fatigue, forgetfulness and a bad mood. However, that’s just the start of how bad your day can get, all thanks to sleep loss. Sleep deprivation puts you on the path of missteps, possibly leading to bad decisions and potentially dangerous situations. To keep you from turning […]
Delaying School Start Times Boosts Students Sleep And Mood
Can’t figure out why it’s so hard for your teenager to wake up feeling refreshed in the mornings? The problem may be due to the start time of their school; disallowing them to get enough sleep. Natural hormonal changes can make sleep difficult for students to obtain within the time available due to what time […]
Yoga May Solve Insomnia Problems Of Menopausal Women
For women, menopause is a stage of life that simply cannot be avoided. One of the top complaints concerning menopause is the negative impact it has on sleep. Insomnia is prevalent during this stage of life. While hormone replacement therapy and practicing a healthy consistent sleep routine have been shown to be effective, women may […]
Sleep Better with Tips From Dr. Oz!
If you haven’t been making sleep a priority, tonight is a great time to start! Sleep works wonders for your health, keeping the doctor away, boosting your productivity levels and puts pep in your step. Try these sleep tips to get deep restorative sleep tonight: Fall in Love with the Scent of Lavender: Numerous studies have […]
States Are Taking Action Against Drowsy Driving
As sleep is gaining its well deserved position in the spotlight, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is right alongside it. OSA is a sleep disorder in which a person stops breathing multiple times during periods of rest, due to blockage in their airway. It has been linked to serious health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, […]
Improving Nursing Home Residents’ Sleep
A new study aims to bring better sleep to nursing home residents with Telecare. By employing bed occupancy sensors, floor sensors or enuresis sensors, Telecare allows for older peoples’ sleep to be monitored. It is traditionally used by older people in their own homes, but it could be greatly beneficial for nursing homes as well. Staffing levels, […]
The Problem With Your Pillow
If you find that you are having trouble sleeping, your very own pillow might be to blame. When it comes to sleep, small changes can go a long way toward big improvements. Possible pillow problems: Your pillow is a decade old: While some things may get better with age such as wine and jeans, your pillow is […]
7 Reasons Why Sleep Is A Battle As We Age
As we age, insomnia is more likely to become an issue. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 67% of older adults suffer from symptoms of insomnia, including daytime sleepiness, and waking up numerous times during the night. Here are some of the things that may contribute to an increase in insomnia amongst older people: 1. […]
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