What Is Melatonin?
When sleep is the topic, you may notice that “melatonin” is often a part of the conversation. You may be wondering what it is, how it works, whether or not it’s for you, as well as the risks associated with melatonin use. Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone produced by our body that helps regulate sleep, and […]
Study: Sleep Issues And Obesity Linked With Mood Problems
Great quality sleep is known to produce seemingly-magical properties of optimism, energy, and productivity. According to a new study, severely obese people who do not sleep well at night are missing out on those benefits, and are more likely to experience mood disturbances and a lower quality of life. 270 severely obese people (indicated by […]
7 Odd Things That Influence Your Dreams
We are all quite familiar with the incredible power of dreams, and dreaming. According to H.F. Hedge, “Dreaming is an act of pure imagination, attesting in all men a creative power, which if it were available in waking, would make every man a Dante or Shakespeare.” The stories our brains put together can be influenced […]
Does Sleep Give West Coast NFL Teams Night Game Advantage?
Football is a game with passionate fans, who want nothing more than to see their team favorite dominate the field. It has been proven that the proper amount of great quality sleep can improve athletic performance, while simultaneously boosting someone’s confidence in their abilities. A new study suggests that the body’s natural circadian rhythm, or […]
10 Things To Know About Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a chronic sleep disorder that not only disrupts sleep quality, but also increases other health risks. As a person sleeps, the muscles of their throat collapse, obstructing the flow of oxygen. If this pause in breathing lasts for 10 seconds or more, and occurs more than 5 times an hour, it is […]
Missing Sleep May Increase Aggressive Breast Cancer Risk
The association between sleep and cancer is a complex one, as researchers have yet to identify a cause-and effect relationship. While researchers do know that regularly getting too little sleep increases the risk of cancer overall, a recent study suggests a lack of sleep may specifically increase the risk of aggressive breast cancer. Researchers from […]
Brain Connections Strengthen As Children Sleep
Numerous studies have shown just how important sleep is to the brain and its development. A recent one is providing another reason to make sure your children get the proper amount of sleep. Published in the journal Brain Sciences, a new study shows that connections are strengthened between the right and left hemispheres of the […]
6 Health Conditions Sleep Can Improve
Could it really be as simple as sleep more, become a healthier you? We know that sleep-deprivation leads to dangerous risks, but often times we forget that sleep has many positive benefits. It won’t cure cancer or save you from a heart attack, but getting enough quality shut-eye may be exactly what you need to […]
Be Aware of Drowsy Driving This Holiday Season
Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday that puts a lot of drivers on the road as they travel to spend time with their family. Experts warn that drivers should be aware of sleep deprivation and darkness during this time of travel, which may lead drivers to believe they are alert even though they are sleepy. A […]
10 Things To Know About Narcolepsy
It is important to increase not only the public’s awareness of narcolepsy, but also those in the medical profession. A recent survey called the AWAKEN Survey, which dealt with physician and diagnosis of narcolepsy, revealed that only 9% of primary care providers said they felt comfortable diagnosing it. Here’s what you need to know: 1. […]
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