Yoga Improves the Sleep of Cancer Patients
The regular practice of yoga can lead to significant improvements in sleep for people who have undergone cancer treatment, according to new research. Sleep problems are common for people who have cancer. The lack of sleep contributes to fatigue, and can increase the risk of developing depression. The combination of poor sleep and circadian rhythms […]
Reasons Behind Your Nighttime Coughing Fits
Have you gone through a whole day feeling perfectly fine, but then you into bed at night and your throat begins to itch, turning into a coughing session? Of course all that coughing interferes with your sleep, leaving you irritable the next day. If you have ruled out the common cold or other respiratory infections, […]
How Are We Sleeping Around The World?
Insomnia isn’t just a problem for Americans brought on by our work-centric culture, long hours and stressful lives, it is plaguing the rest of the world as well. The problem is international and trending poorly; in fact UK adults are getting less sleep than they did a year ago. 65% are sleeping an average of […]
Work Out Tips For Your Best Sleep Ever
No matter what type of exercise or frequency we choose, it has been proven that we feel better when we workout. Exercising is a great way to improve your sleep, but you must be patient to reap the benefits. Research indicates that it takes about 4 months of consistent exercise to see drastic improvements in […]
“Recovery” Sleep, May Not Cure All Effects of Sleep Deprivation
The weekend is often seen as a time to recover from sleep missed during a long week. A new study suggests that using the weekend to recover from sleep deprivation does not fix all of the damage caused. It helps, but only to a certain extent. The study included 30 healthy adults, who were placed […]
Sleep Apnea and Diabetes Linked to Raised Kidney Risks
Loud snoring isn’t just annoying but, could also be a sign of sleep apnea which leads to concerning health problems. Diabetes patients are also more likely to have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a sleep disorder that causes breathing to stop (for seconds or minutes) or become shallow. For people who have diabetes and sleep apnea, […]
Who Has A Higher Risk of Developing Insomnia?
Sleep is often times not taken as seriously as it should be. The number of hours we get to sleep is just as important as the quality of our sleep. Insomnia, a sleep disorder that affects how you fall asleep, stay asleep, or a combination of the two, is a growing concern. A study published […]
Sleepy? You May Want to Avoid The Grocery Store
According to a new study, the advice of not going to the grocery store when hungry, should also include don’t go to the grocery store while sleepy either. The research published in the journal Obesity, shows that just one night of sleep deprivation could will a person to buy more food, in quantity and calorie […]
Guide To Sleeping Like a Baby
According to renowned sleep expert James Maas, Ph.D, when it comes to getting sleep, adults should do things more like infants do. Adults are always trying to work both ends of the clock, staying up late and getting up early. Sleep is treated as a luxury by adults, while babies already know that sleep is […]
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