Tag Archives | sleep deprivation

10 Signs You are Experiencing Chronic Sleep Loss
Often times we may know we are sleep deprived, but simply ignore the signs. In order to bring more awareness to the signs of chronic sleep loss, YouBeauty Expert and director of Behavioral Sleep Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City, Shelby Freedman Harris, shared what to look for to find out if […]

Should You Trust Your Memory Without Sleep?
In many criminal cases, the account of an eyewitness carries great weight in impacting the verdict. How well do you trust your memory? A lack of sleep, which is considered by many to be a public health epidemic across the United States, may be linked to errors in memory as a new study conducted by […]

Chronic Sleep Loss Hinders Your Ability to Remember
If you want to keep your brain healthy, you need quality rest. As we sleep, our brains are working overtime to solidify memories and remove dangerous neurotoxins. However, combining stress and sleep loss can lead our memories to fail us when we need it the most. According to a new study from Uppsala University in […]

4 False Beliefs About Skipping Sleep
Cutting back on sleep may seem like a great change in your life and you are reaping in the benefits. You simply enjoy staying up. However, Corrie Pikul at The Huffington Post encourages you to change your mind about your bedtime procrastination. What you think has a positive impact on your life is actually putting […]

Study: Eating Less at Night Impacts Sleep Deprivation
Sleep experts often recommend tucking in and waking up at the same time every day to take advantage of more rejuvenating snooze. However, realistically there will be times in life where sleep loss simply can’t be helped. For those periods, the researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania found that […]

Sleep Deprivation Can Affect Social Interactions
It’s no secret that a lack of sleep can put us in a bad mood. However, according to researchers at the University of California- Berkeley, sleep deprivation also hinders our ability to accurately read the facial expressions of others and assess their mood. In fact, this impairment could have serious consequences for our social interactions, […]

Is It Really Worth It to Get More Sleep?
Making the most of your sleep can easily slip your mind. However, staying committed to practicing healthy sleep habits is worth it to help you accomplish all of your goals and have a higher satisfaction with your life. Sleep deprivation doesn’t just make you irritable, tired and less attractive; it leads to serious consequences for […]

4 Reasons To Avoid Sleep Deprivation
With more that 70 million adults suffering from some form of a sleep disorder, it is no surprise that sleep has become a major health topic. A lack of sleep increases the risk of accident and injury, as well as health risks such as cancer, diabetes, glaucoma and early death. You may feel as though […]

4 Tricky Signs You Need More Quality Sleep
When you find yourself nodding off during important meetings, it’s easy to recognize that more sleep could be the solution. However, the symptoms of chronic sleep loss can be sneaky and less-obvious than yawning, feeling sleepy or having low energy. Here’s what The Huffington Post suggests we all be on the lookout for: You have […]
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