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Why Mondays Are So Difficult

Why Mondays Are So Difficult

Most people find facing Monday mornings to be a tortuous event, and it turns out that the culprit could be Sunday night. A survey reported that 39% of its more 3,000 respondents said they had the most trouble sleeping on Sundays. Of the 39%, 70% of them said it takes them 30 minutes or more to fall asleep.

Weekends are considered a highly social time which causes us to stay up later on Friday and Saturdays. This practice greatly shifts our entire biological clock which we had set for ourselves during the week. Stress also makes sleeping difficult as we reflect on the upcoming week.  48% of people employed full-time, identified Sunday as the hardest night to fall asleep and 43% of homemakers also said the same.

Sleep specialist, Dr. Micheal J. Breus, suggests that people try to stick with their regular sleep schedule all weekend long. Although a late night dinner or lounging in bed on Sunday mornings may be tempting, it does create more problems for the looming workweek. If stress is the culprit of difficulty getting to sleep, make to-do lists or start a worry journal to help alleviate stressful thoughts from your mind prior to turning off the light.

At Gallery Furniture, “If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me/we,” is used a lot! It’s one of Mack’s favorite phrases, and we know the same is true for staying on a good sleep schedule. We’ve got faith in you, commit to a good sleep schedule to ensure a great quality of life!

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