Poor sleep quality could be affecting the birth outcomes for many pregnant women, especially if suffering from depression. A study conducted by the University of Pittsburg School of Medicine found that less sleep in pregnant women caused a disruption in their immune systems, especially in women with depression. These fluctuations of the immune system could […]
Archive | August, 2013
Significant Moments in the Study of Sleep Medicine
It is believed that the study of sleep has existed since the beginning of time. Researchers find it difficult to pinpoint any particular person, date or event that began sleep research. There are very few, if any, medical specialties that do not intersect with the study of sleep. It is a multidisciplinary science. Here are […]
Natural Light Improves Sleep
Employees who have offices with windows sleep longer at night, have a higher quality of sleep, are more active during the day and have a higher quality of life. Experts have known that exposure to light helps regulate your circadian rhythm, (your sleep and wake cycle) and improves your mood, productivity and general health, but […]
Sudden Cardiac Death and Sleep Apnea Linked
Obstructive sleep apnea may increase the possibly of sudden cardiac arrest. An in depth study over fifteen years, following ten thousand people with possible sleep apnea, found that OSA was associated with a serious increased risk of sudden cardiac death, as well as other cardiovascular conditions. The three strongest predicators of risk for cardiac arrest […]
Good Quality Sleep Means Less Fighting Between Couples
A study conduced at UC Berkeley found that after a bad night’s sleep couples are more likely to have disagreements. There have been additional studies from University of Pittsburgh in 2011 that uncovered similar results, but stated that it was only when wives reported having trouble sleeping that there was martial conflict, and that […]
Poor Sleep Linked to Poor Skin Health
Estée Lauder Companies Inc. partnered with University Hospitals Case Medical Center, released a study showing that people who sleep less at night have poorer skin health and skin that ages more quickly. This is the first study of its kind that links sleep deprivation and skin damage. Participants of this study were sixty premenopausal women […]
The Father of Modern Sleep Research
Born in 1895 in Kishinev, Russia, Dr. Nathaniel Kleitman is known as the first person to completely devote himself to the study of sleep and compose the knowledge into collective text. While working along with his students at the University of Chicago, Dr. Kleitman made significant contributions to sleep research. He is credited as the […]
Sleeping Tips for Women with Menopause
Menopause is a natural process in a woman’s life, but it does not solely affect her ovaries. Over sixty percent of women who experienced menopause had difficulty sleeping at some point during their menopausal years, and some notice disruptions as early as perimenopause, that can occur up to ten years before menopause begins. When ovaries […]
Practicing Meditation for Better Sleep
Meditation can help increase your awareness and understanding of your mind at night. Practicing meditation before bed prepares your mind and body for a restful sleep. Here are ten steps to bedtime meditation and better sleep! Step One: Lie comfortably in bed, and take five deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the […]
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