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Archive | October, 2014

Driver Exposes the Truth About Truckers and Drowsy Driving One trucker has taken to YouTube to expose the pressure put on drivers to deliver loads on time, regardless of the risks of drowsy driving. Last month, ABC News sat down with 28-year-old Abe Attallah from Detroit, Michigan on their television show 20/20. Attallah found himself struggling to stay awake behind the wheel while […]

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Alzheimer’s Risk Increased By Long-Term Pill Use For Insomnia

Alzheimer’s Risk Increased By Long-Term Pill Use For Insomnia

It’s no secret that as we age, great night’s of sleep become harder to obtain. Aging patients often turn to prescription medication to help with sleep problems, panic attacks and anxiety. However, The Washington Post has the results of new research that suggests that the long-term use of these medications increases their risk of developing […]

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Source: Jawbone

What Time Does America Tuck In?

That’s the question that Jawbone recently answered while tracking movements and sleep patterns around the nation earlier this year. Thousands of Jawbone UP device wearers had their data collected to find out the bedtimes in every county of the United States. The results show that there is a significant difference between the bedtimes of people […]

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