Sleep Apnea Plagues Many Truck Drivers
According to an Australian study, 41% of truck drivers in Australia have obstructive sleep apnea. This sleep disorder causes a person to stop breathing intermittently throughout the night, disrupting sleep. This can in turn lead to daytime sleepiness. 517 long distance truck drivers participated in the study. Only of the participants 4.4% said they had […]

Co-Sleeping and Breastfeeding Put Moms At Risk for Stress
Co-sleeping is a controversial topic, which often focuses on the safety of the infant. But, a new study finds that it could affect mothers as well. Researchers at Northwestern University studied the optimal daily rhythm in women’s stress hormones. Ideally, levels of the stress hormone cortisol are high in the morning, to prepare a […]

Asthma Could Increase Your Risk for Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea is known to increase the risk of developing dangerous health factors such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes. The known factors to increase the risk of OSA include obesity, hypertension, alcohol and tobacco use, genetics. Now researchers are adding asthma to that list. At the University of Wisconsin, researchers found an elevated […]

Police Officers on Night Shift More Likely to be Sleep Deprived
A career as a police officer, which includes evening and night shifts for many officers, could have a negative impact on sleep. Researchers at the University of Iowa conducted a study and found that police officers who worked the night or evening shifts were 14 times more likely to get less 6 hours of sleep […]

Sleep Deserves Praise!
Sleep is a huge benefit to our overall health and well being. It keeps the risk of stroke, diabetes and cancer low while, helping us start our day with a spring in our step. Check out these great sayings about sleep as an ode to how much we love it! “Sleep is the best meditation” […]

Lack of Sleep Affects Your Approachability
Skipping out on sleep may not just affect your physical attractiveness, but also how approachable people find you. According to researchers from the Medical Institute Karolinska in Stockholm, Sweden, getting less than 4 hours of sleep a night or none at all—doesn’t make a difference. You will appear to others equally exhausted. Although it is […]

Lack of Sleep May Make You Less Grateful
Research has indicated that a lack of sleep could be the culprit for making a significant other feel less grateful in their relationship. A recent study found that sleep deprivation has an effect on our expressions of gratitude, making those people around us feel unappreciated. We tend to be selfish and place our needs above […]

How to Get to Bed Earlier
Many of us intend to be in bed by a certain time each night, but have trouble actually following through with this commitment. Even though research has proven that getting between 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night is beneficial to our health, it can still be difficult not be distracted with technology, work, […]

6 Reasons To Get More Sleep
If that cranky feeling in the morning isn’t a big enough reason to strive to attain the 7-9 hours of sleep a night recommended for adults by the Nation Sleep Foundation, try these reasons to sleep more on for size: 1. You Brain Stays Powerful: Studies show that when the amount of sleep decreases to […]

Catching Up on Sleep May Not Improve Your Brain Function
Often times, our schedules require us to lose sleep, and in response we figure that we can simply get more sleep on the weekends to make up for it. A small study suggests our idea of “catching up” on sleep doesn’t really work for our brains. Researchers from Penn State, University of Crete, and the […]
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