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Sleeping Less Than Six Hours a Night for a Week Affects over 700 Genes

Typically, when we think of sleep-deprivation, side effects that openly manifest themselves come to mind such as: a lack of energy, poor motor skills, and poor work performance, to name a few. While those noticeable consequences from a sleepless night are generally applicable, losing out on sleep affects our body on a biological level, too. […]

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CPAP Therapy In Pregnant Women May Improve Fetal Health

The treatment of sleep-disordered breathing in pregnant women can improve fetal health and increase fetal activity levels according to a new study which appeared in the journal SLEEP. Results of a three-part study show that the average number of fetal movements during maternal sleep nearly doubled  when pregnant patients suffering from sleep-disordered breathing received CPAP treatment. […]

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Catching Up on Sleep May Not be as Effective as We Think

  We’re all familiar with the age-old solution of “catching up on sleep,” after an especially grueling, sleep-deprived workweek. However, a new study shows that two nights of extra sleep (a typical weekend) is not enough to cancel-out having lost sleep throughout the week. Researchers observed 34 people–none of whom had sleep disorders–get 8 hours […]

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Rethinking Sleep

Sleep is essential, and due to technology and a stress filled world, roughly one third or 41 million people in the United States get six hours or less of sleep per night. An article in the New York Times suggests that perhaps not everyone is built for eight-hours of sleeping every night. The doctors who […]

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