Tag Archives | Lifestyle
Why Sleep is the Key to Staying Young
The beauty industry makes billions of dollars each year as many people always want to look and feel their best. However, there is one answer to the fear of getting older that is absolutely free! Check out these reasons why sleep is the cheapest way to boost your health and keep you youthful that we […]
7 Ways Sleep Impacts Your Career
If you are sitting behind your desk right now, struggling to keep your eyes open, you may want to consider how sleep affects your career. Not getting enough sleep does more than just make you irritable and sluggish, it hurts your overall work productivity. Here’s what The Huffington Post has to say about sleep and […]
Study: Consistency Matters When it Comes To Sleep
It isn’t uncommon for a person to have a fluctuating schedule throughout the week. However, research from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa suggests that we should make more of an effort to maintain a consistent daily routine if we want better sleep. Reuters reported that the study included data on 50 adults between the […]
11 Ways Sleeping Well Makes Your Life Better
A great night of sleep instantly not only makes you feel better in the morning, but it also boosts your productivity and health. If you haven’t been making high-quality shut-eye a priority in your life, here’s 11 things you are missing out on according to Health.com: Sleep… Boosts your memory: Your brain is hard at […]
Skipping Sleep Lately? Expect These Mishaps to Occur
Skipping Sleep For Work Means More Sick Days That Cost
It isn’t uncommon for an employee to get a pat on the back from their employer because they cut back on sleep and put in more hours at work. However, both employees and employers may want to reconsider that sacrifice as new study has found a link between sleep and work absences. Published last year […]
What Are Healthy People Doing Before Bed?
Do you know someone who always seems to have endless amounts of energy and be in a great mood? Chances are they are living a healthy life that ties into also helping them sleep better. So what’s their secret? The Huffington Post has revealed what healthy people do before climbing into the bed: They Snack […]
Improve Your Golf Game By Treating Your Sleep Apnea
Have an upcoming golf game coming up, and need to knock out the competition? According to a new study, men can improve their golf performance by getting their obstructive sleep apnea treated with continuous airway pressure (CPAP). Sleep apnea is a chronic sleep disorder in which a person stops breathing for pauses at a night […]
4 False Beliefs About Skipping Sleep
Cutting back on sleep may seem like a great change in your life and you are reaping in the benefits. You simply enjoy staying up. However, Corrie Pikul at The Huffington Post encourages you to change your mind about your bedtime procrastination. What you think has a positive impact on your life is actually putting […]
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