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7 Sleep Strategies For A Better You

7 Sleep Strategies For A Better You

Struggling to fall asleep can be frustrating experience, especially when you have a big day coming up. With each person’s sleep needs being so unique, it’s important to take the time to learn what works for you. So where do you start? Try these sleep strategies to help you develop a better relationship with sleep and increase your productivity throughout the day:

Pay attention to your needs: Learn how your body reacts when you get certain amounts of sleep.  You might thrive on 9 hours, but can make due with 8. Keeping a sleep journal for a month can help make you be more aware of what your body needs and understand what it takes for you to get high-quality shut-eye. Find your optimal sleep level, then make it a part of your lifestyle.

Be honest with yourself: If you have regularly gotten less than 6 hours of sleep every night and believe yourself to be fine, the chances are you really aren’t. You may be chronically sleep-deprived and unfortunately your body has gotten used to it. If you sleep more on weekends and holidays, with the outcome of waking up refreshed, accept that you need more sleep on a regular basis.

Create a bedtime ritual: About an hour before bed stay away from electronic devices, and practice relaxing activities such as taking a warm bath, reading, drinking soothing herbal tea, or meditating. The key is to relax and not stimulate your brain. Stay calm and let your sleep hormones prepare you for bed.

Keep a gratitude journal: Positive thinking and reflecting has been shown to reduce insomnia.  Just remember to be specific, and write down the details about what made you happy and why.

Work out your stressors:  If you are wound up at the end the day, write down a do-list of tasks you need to complete then put it away. Let things go and remember that sleep will give you the brain power needed to solve problems.

Don’t log back on: This is easier than said than done with all the temptation that social media provides, but getting back on your phone or computer when you can’t sleep or when you wake up in the middle night will hold you back from shut-eye. Opt for writing in a journal or meditating in a different room until you feel sleepy.

Keep a schedule and stay consistent: You body loves rhythm and routine. Make the effort to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day to train your circadian rhythm, making your body happy and giving you high-quality sleep.

It may seem like a lot of work, but sleeping better is a sure way to improve your mood, health, help you lose weight, and increase your brain power. We’d say sleep is the cheapest doctor out there, and we all should take advantage of its benefits!

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