ADHD or Just Not Enough Sleep?
The rate of children diagnosed with hyperactivity disorders in the United States only continues to increase, but there is a possibility many of these children simply are unable to get a restful nights sleep, or are suffering from sleep apnea. Often sleep apnea and disorders such as A.D.H.D. in children have the same general symptoms: […]

Understanding the Different Phases of Sleep
Sleep can be a fickle friend at times. Everyone’s body needs sleep, but that doesn’t always mean it’s possible. What is your brain missing out on as you desperately attempt to drift into dreamland. Researchers are beginning to believe that a regular sleep cycle goes through various stages and that each stage is for a […]

Memory Decline in Older People Linked to Lack of Sleep
As we age, our ability to process and retain new information decreases. While this has been widely accepted, there has been little explanation of why until recently. A report just released by the journal of Nature Neuroscience, concludes that as we get older, structural changes in our brains over time can cause a lower quality […]

3 Easy Tips to Help You Get Back to Sleep at Night
Sometimes getting to sleep isn’t the problem. Sometimes, we’re asleep for a few hours and then for no apparent reason, wake up—and stay awake. Experiencing this problem for an extended period of time could be an indication of insomnia, and should be discussed with your doctor. But, keep these tips in mind next time you’re […]

Letting Infants Cry Themselves Back to Sleep is Beneficial
Parents around the world tend to coddle their baby when they wake up crying, in an attempt to help them get back to sleep. However, Marsha Weinraub, a psychology professor at Temple University in Pennsylvania found that this is not conducive to helping young children learn how to sleep on their own. The study that […]

Sleep Deprivation in Children Can Lead to Hyperactivity and Behavior Problems
Tanya Byron, a leading psychologist, TV broadcaster, and British Government advisor on children, recently wrote in the UK’s Radio Times; “a profound lack of sleep” is to blame for behavioral problems amongst children. It may frequently seem as though younger generations are bigger troublemakers, or misbehave more frequently. While it may or may not necessarily […]

New Study Links Lack of Sleep To Weight Gain
Researchers at the University of Colorado have found that when men and women are not getting enough sleep, they are much more likely to gain weight. For example, they indulged in calorie-dense and fatty foods closer to bedtime. The study involved observing 16 participants consumption of, and desire to eat food after sleeping an adequate […]

Crawling Infants Wake Up More Often At Night
New research presented by Dr. Dina Cohen, of the University of Haifa’s Department of Counseling and Human Development, in Israel, shows that when infants begin to crawl, they tend to wake up more frequently at night. By keeping an eye on 28 babies in good health for 11 months, researchers were able to determine that […]

New Discoveries Could Lead To Improved Memory
Taking over five years, and a grant of $651,999 to complete, a study has found unprecedented evidence linking a common prescription sleep aid to improved verbal memory. Sara C. Mednick, a psychologist at the University of California, Riverside and her team examined the effects that the sleep aids Ambien and Xyrem had on 49 women […]

4 Good Reasons to Make Sure You Get Good Sleep!
Frequently, we read a lot about what a lack of sleep can do to our bodies. From weight gain to a lackluster memory, the adverse effects of sleep deprivation are numerous and seem to consistently be growing as new research emerges. So then, one might wonder, what exactly does good sleep do for me and […]
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