3 Easy Tips to Help You Get Back to Sleep at Night
Sometimes getting to sleep isn’t the problem. Sometimes, we’re asleep for a few hours and then for no apparent reason, wake up—and stay awake. Experiencing this problem for an extended period of time could be an indication of insomnia, and should be discussed with your doctor. But, keep these tips in mind next time you’re […]

A Sleep Drug that Doesn’t Fog the Brain?
Sedatives like Ambien and Lunesta alleviate bedtime woes of many Americans who suffer from insomnia and other sleep disorders, however, like any prescription medication, the desired effects come at a cost. Many who have used the medication report a hangover of sorts—grogginess that carries into the next day, impaired attention and memory are just a […]

An interview with Gallery Furniture Sleep Expert Billy Sotiropoulos
(Houston, TX) – A couple of weeks ago, The Sleep Center had an opportunity to sit down with a fantastic Gallery Furniture employee Mr. Billy Sotiropoulos, who has worked in the bedding department of Gallery Furniture for the past 13 years. Billy truly embodies the Gallery Furniture atmosphere and value for customer service. He offered […]

Homeschooled Adolescents Have Better Sleep Habits, says New Study
Denver sleep psychologist Lisa Meltzer’s new study found that kids who are homeschooled sleep, on average, an hour and a half longer than their counterparts who attend traditional schools. Ensuring that growing young adults get enough sleep is integral to their development and mental health. Meltzer spoke about schools’ early start times in relation to […]

Disjointed Memory and Disjointed Sleep; How They’re Related
As we age, we tend to have less vivid and reliable memories than we did when we were younger. New research coming from the University of California, Berkeley, points to a lack of deep sleep amongst the elderly, which may be the culprit for memory loss. Deep sleep is sometimes called “slow wave sleep,” which […]

Three Easy Fixes for Three Ordinary Sleep Problems with Little Ones
Parents frequently struggle with diagnosing and relieving their young children of common sleep problems. If your toddler is experiencing issues related to rest for an extended period of time you should consult your pediatrician. However, here are a few problems that many children face and how to address them: Sweating – Toddlers experiencing nighttime sweats […]

Why Do We Want Bad Food Before a Good Night’s Rest?
It’s no secret that a burger and fries from your favorite fast food chain is highly enjoyable—hence why the term “guilty pleasure” is often used to describe one’s feelings about drive-thru dining. However, in a study from St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center and Columbia University, in New York, it was shown that tired people are aroused […]

The Effects of Trauma on People’s Sleep
Following the attacks on September 11th sleep clinics all across the country saw large spikes in insomnia; this is not an uncommon occurrence after a highly publicized emotional event. The question looms, why is sleep disturbed in individuals who are seemingly unharmed and in no foreseeable danger as a result of a nationally tragedy? Sleep […]

Study Shows Link between Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain and Poor Quality Sleep
A study conducted last year demonstrated a connection between the levels of pain those with Rheumatoid Arthritis experienced and the quality of sleep they got – as well as their mood during the day. Prior to this research, it was thought that there was a connection between pain and quality of sleep. However, this had […]

New Study: Military Personnel Don’t Get Nearly Enough Sleep
According to a new study from the Madigan Army Medical Center located in Tacoma, Washington, the average servicemen gets only 5.74 hours of sleep a night. In comparison, the National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get about 7- 9 hours of sleep per night. Data for this study was collected from sleep analyses done at […]
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