With nearly 70 million Americans suffering with sleep issues, the CDC has declared poor sleep a public health epidemic. Insufficient sleep has been linked by numerous studies to numerous serious health conditions diabetes, heart disease, cancer and anxiety. Approximately 40% of adults are falling asleep without meaning to least once a month, increasing the risk of […]
Tag Archives | Health
Why You Should Get High-Quality Sleep on a Regular Basis
In today’s fast-paced society, sleep continues to be the last thing on our priority lists. We may focus on eating better or being more active, but high-quality snooze just doesn’t seem that beneficial. But, that’s where we are wrong! For inspiration to climb into bed early tonight check out what sleep does for you as […]
What You Need to Know About Sleep Loss and Weight Gain
With Thanksgiving only weeks away, it may be time for you to stack up on the proper amount of sleep to protect your waistline. The link between sleep and weight isn’t a new topic, but it is a very important one to remain at optimal health levels. Think back to the last time you went […]
Sleep Issues Due to Divorce May Impact Blood Pressure
Divorce is a troubling issue for many people, often causing individuals to lose sleep due stress and sadness. Researchers from the University of Arizona are suggesting that those sleep problems not be ignored if they continue over time, as they increase the risk of hypertension. Published in the journal Health Psychology, their study may be […]
Study: Sleep Linked to Survival of Women With Breast Cancer
According to a small study, sleep efficiency may predict the survival time of women with advanced breast cancer. Sleep efficiency is defined as the ratio between how much time a person spends in bed and how much time they spend sleeping. Conducted by researchers from Stanford University, The Huffington Post reports that the study included […]
Why Sleep is the Key to Staying Young
The beauty industry makes billions of dollars each year as many people always want to look and feel their best. However, there is one answer to the fear of getting older that is absolutely free! Check out these reasons why sleep is the cheapest way to boost your health and keep you youthful that we […]
Study Links Sleep Apnea With Cancer And Stroke Risk
The dangers of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) should not be taken lightly. Researchers from the University of Sydney have strong evidence that people with moderate to severe OSA have a significantly higher risk of developing cancer, stroke, and face an early death. Published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, the 20-year study included 397 adults, and […]
Men: Sleep Disturbances Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease
Sleep quality is just as important as how many hours you tuck in, and sleep disturbances do set you back. Men especially should take note of new research that suggests that sleep disturbances increases their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Published in the journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia, the study included more than 1,000 men who […]
Study: Light in Bedrooms Linked to Obesity
Every now and then, it’s normal to fall asleep with the lights on after a hard day. However, a recent study at the Institute of Cancer Research in London suggests that the amount of light in a woman’s bedroom may be associated with obesity. Published in the American Journal of Epidemiology and reported by BBC News, […]
11 Ways Sleeping Well Makes Your Life Better
A great night of sleep instantly not only makes you feel better in the morning, but it also boosts your productivity and health. If you haven’t been making high-quality shut-eye a priority in your life, here’s 11 things you are missing out on according to Health.com: Sleep… Boosts your memory: Your brain is hard at […]
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