Social media is great for staying in touch with friends and family but it can sometimes feel overwhelming! Between Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Snapchat, how much time do you spend scrolling through feeds? If you’re like the average American, you’re putting in more than an hour a day on one or more social […]
Tag Archives | Sleep Schedule

Fall back: Daylight Saving Time
Humans may not have the power to travel through time, but we certainly know how to manipulate time in order to make the most efficient use of it. When Daylight Saving Time (DST) was first introduced in 1908 in Ontario, Canada, it added one hour to our standard time to make better use of daylight hours. […]

A Satisfied Wife May Lead Couples to Sleep in Sync
According to a study, a happy wife may mean shared sleep schedules between couples. Presented at SLEEP 2014, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh found results that suggest when wives are more satisfied with their marriages, couples are more likely to sleep in sync. “The sleep of married couples is more in sync on a […]

Sleep Schedule and Preferences Linked to Ideal Drive Times
Although we may easily forget, sleep does play an important role when we get behind the wheel of our vehicle every day. One study that was conducted by researchers from the University of Granada was able to demonstrate that our individual chronotypes that determines if a person is a “morning person,” or “evening person,” directly has […]

Irregular Sleep Schedules May Increase Cancer Risk
According to published research, an inconsistent sleep schedule may lead to a higher risk of cancer. The International Business Times reports that the study involved testing on mice to lead to its findings. After 50 weeks, the mice that had their bedtimes pushed back by half a day every week for an entire year developed […]

5 Ways Your Hectic Schedule Prevents Quality Sleep
Consider your daily schedule, do you make the effort to fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day? According to many sleep experts and researchers, the timing of your sleep is just as important as collecting 7-9 hours of shut-eye every night of the week. According to The Huffington Post, here’s how […]

Night Owl Preferences Linked to High Risk of Diabetes
Night owls may possess desirable traits such as being high achievers and having the gift of charm. However, new research reveals their natural sleep preferences could impact their health. According to their published study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, researchers at the Korea University College of Medicine found that night owls are […]

Consistent Wake and Bedtimes May Prevent Mental Illness
Sticking to a daily routine that includes waking up and falling asleep at the same time everyday can be difficult amongst life’s chaos. Nonetheless, daily routines revolving around eating and sleeping may be more beneficial to our mental health than we realize. According to new research published in the journal eLife, staying consistent with our […]

What’s the Right Time for Teenagers to Start School?
What time do you think school should start for teenagers? It’s no secret within the research and education communities that teenagers are struggling to obtain the right amount of sleep, as traditional school schedules aren’t in line with their natural sleep-wake cycle, leading to daytime sleepiness and making poor grades more likely. According to The […]
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