Archive | 2015

What Does a Sleep Apnea Episode Look Like?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eefENjaOgjg As the dangers of sleep apnea are dominating the sleep health spotlight, you still may not know exactly what to look for. Snoring is a common habit for many people and doing so on a regular basis is definitely a possible red flag. However, it’s the pauses in breathing that are the major concern […]

Study: Finding the Right Bedtime For Toddlers
Tantrums and simply refusing to fall asleep are common problems parents face when getting their children to stick to a bedtime routine. One study suggests the issue may be that children have already biologically chosen their bedtimes, and that bedtime may conflict with the one set by parents. Researchers at the University of Colorado studied 14 […]

Poor Sleep Puts Young Adults at Greater Risk for Heart Disease
Poor sleep habits can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease in adolescents. As a result of poor quality sleep, many young adults lack energy and adopt poor lifestyle habits like using caffeine to stay awake, spending too much time on screens. A lack of quality sleep can affect your short-term memory and learning abilities according to CNN’s The Chart. Adolescents […]

College Athletes Benefit from Extended Sleep
A study conducted on members of the Stanford basketball team shows that increasing your sleep longevity can actually help you perform better than ever. The study monitored the subjects for 2-4 weeks maintaining their sleeping habits, and then the subjects spent 5-7 weeks where they were encouraged to get a minimum of 10 hours a […]

Sleep on Your Stomach For Sexier Dreams
Researchers from Hong Kong found that sleepers who lie face down have more vivid, intense, and erotic dreams than their side or multi-position sleeping counterparts according to a study covered in Greatist News. Participants were evaluated on their personalities prior to the study to gauge how open they were to new experiences, how agreeable they […]

7 Tips To Practice For Achieving Rejuvenating Sleep
Millions of Americans struggle with not only getting enough sleep, but making sure the sleep they do get is sufficient. Sleep better and increase your energy every morning by applying these real-life sleep tips shared by Self for a better you: Acceptance: Recognize the signs that you aren’t getting enough quality sleep. You can’t wake up […]

Sleep Woes Linked to Heart Disease Risk
How long did you sleep last night, and how did you feel upon waking up? According to a new study published by the American Heart Association, consistently practicing poor sleep habits could increase your risk for early signs of heart disease, compared to those who report getting the proper amount of good quality snooze. Led […]

Does a Lack of Emotional Control Predict Insomnia?
The ability to regulate your emotions may be linked to the likelihood of insomnia getting in the way of much needed quality rest. Published in the British Journal of Health Psychology by the British Psychology Society, researchers from Örebro University in Sweden had 2,333 adults answer questions regarding their emotional regulation and insomnia symptoms. Difficulties with […]

4 Tips to Quickly Adjust to Your New Mattress
Investing in a new quality mattress is an excellent step to improving your health, as you’ll be able to reap of the benefits of higher sleep quality. You spend one third of your life sleeping and deserve the best support during that time. When you purchase a new mattress, it may not immediately feel as […]
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