How Are We Sleeping in America?
A recent survey was conducted by the polling firm Harris Interactive among 1,008 adult Americans to find out how we are sleeping at night. If you aren’t sleeping well at night, you aren’t alone. The survey says that 83% of Americans don’t get a good night’s sleep on a consistent basis. What else did the […]

Understanding OTC Sleep Aid Options
Considering an over-the-counter sleep aid is a common choice to solve our problems with sleep. But, before rushing out the pharmacy section, we should understand the medication we are looking to for help. According to CNN, while OTC sleep aids can be a short-term solution for an occasional sleepless night, most of them contain antihistamine. […]

History of Insomnia Affects Our Troops
Researchers studying soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan have discovered that a history of insomnia increases the risk for developing PTSD and depression amongst soldiers, very close behind witnessing war zone scenes. The journal Sleep recently published a study conducted by scientists from the University of Pittsburgh and Naval Health Research Center in San Diego concluded […]

Fathers Who Co-Sleep With Their Babies Become More Nurturing
Dads sharing a bed with their babies could be decreasing their levels of testosterone. Researchers think the decrease may have an effect on how welcoming the father is to bed sharing as a parent. Study author and Notre Dame Anthropologist Lee Gettler, noted that there is a growing body of knowledge linking men’s involvement in […]

The Pros and Cons of Sleep Positions
Not all sleep positions are equal in the measure of how they affect our bodies. It’s important to know if our preferred sleep positions are helping or hindering our health. Sleeping on your back is great for balancing body weight and keeping the organs in line. It also prevents neck and back pain. However, if […]

4 Ways To Prevent Oversleeping
Tired of waking up in a panic because you overslept? Try these helpful tips shared by The Huffington Post: Manipulate your lighting: This is good way to trick your body into thinking it is time for sleep, or that it is time to wake up. Shift workers could benefit from having a light box or […]

“Sleeping In” Makes You Faster
In 2011, a study weighed the effects of extending sleep to 10 hours per night for five to seven weeks. Researchers found an increase in many performances metrics for players on the Stanford basketball team who volunteered for the study. Studies with other sports have produced similar results. It is clear throughout the studies that […]

Bad Food Choices Linked to a Lack of Sleep
Going through the day sleepy may cause us to choose junk food over nutritious snacking. Researchers at UC Berkeley conducted a study to reveal that a lack of sleep, leads to changes in the brain that make it harder for us to make good decisions– including giving into cravings. The researchers used 23 healthy, young […]

Study Links Migraine Frequency, Disability with Poor Sleep
A study conducted at the University of Mississippi found an association between bad sleep quality and frequency of headaches, as well as an increased disability from headaches, among people who get migraines. Researchers used 292 college students, average age of 19, with 69.9% of them being women. All participants were screened for migraines and tested […]
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