Tag Archives | Sleep Resources

The Eerie Brain Power That Can Occur While We Sleep
The wonders of what the body is up to as we sleep just keeps becoming even more impressive. One study is suggesting that our brains are hard at work even when we are asleep, identifying and categorizing words without our knowledge. Published online in the journal Current Biology, the study involved 18 volunteers who had […]

5 Ways Your Sleep Is Hijacked By Stress
Unfortunately, avoiding stress is just not possible. We all have to deal with stress that stems from work, our personal lives, lost keys, forgotten dates and traffic from time to time. However, it’s important that we make the effort to not let stress bring us down for long. Check out what The Huffington Post recently shared […]

Study Links Sleep Apnea With Cancer And Stroke Risk
The dangers of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) should not be taken lightly. Researchers from the University of Sydney have strong evidence that people with moderate to severe OSA have a significantly higher risk of developing cancer, stroke, and face an early death. Published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, the 20-year study included 397 adults, and […]

Dreaming of Failure May Indicate Your Future Success
When you are stressed about a big deadline or test you have coming up, it isn’t uncommon to have a dream about failure. However, one study conducted by researchers at Sorbonne University and the Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière in Paris, France is encouraging you embrace those dreams as a great sign of your future success. 719 students […]

How You React to Stress May Lead to Insomnia
Take a moment to consider how you respond to stress; do you go for an extra glass of wine or stay up a little longer to watch TV? One study shared by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine suggests that the way you react to stress may increase the likelihood that you’ll experience insomnia, not the […]

Study: Light in Bedrooms Linked to Obesity
Every now and then, it’s normal to fall asleep with the lights on after a hard day. However, a recent study at the Institute of Cancer Research in London suggests that the amount of light in a woman’s bedroom may be associated with obesity. Published in the American Journal of Epidemiology and reported by BBC News, […]

Contagious Yawning May Be Linked to Age
We do not know a lot about yawning, aside the fact that it is contagious. According to The Huffington Post, there are many theories about why we yawn, including the most widely accepted reason; it’s a display of empathy. Past research has supported the theory that the closer our relationship is to a person, the more […]

A Bad Night’s Sleep vs. A Shorter Night’s Sleep

What Does a Sleep Apnea Episode Look Like?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eefENjaOgjg As the dangers of sleep apnea are dominating the sleep health spotlight, you still may not know exactly what to look for. Snoring is a common habit for many people and doing so on a regular basis is definitely a possible red flag. However, it’s the pauses in breathing that are the major concern […]
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