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Tag Archives | Sleep History

The History of Sleeping Pills

The History of Sleeping Pills

Inducing sleep can be traced back to ancient times. People used herbs, smoked opium and drank excessively to force themselves to sleep. It wasn’t until the second Scientific Revolution (16th-18th centuries) that formal chemistry introduced drugs that could knock people out. During the 19th century, ether was used as an anesthetic and was abused by […]

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The History Of The Mattress

The Better Sleep Council has released a new time-line showing a brief history of the mattress from long ago to modern day. 10,000 years ago people began sleeping on primitive beds, and it wasn’t until the Egyptian pharaohs that humans discovered the benefits of sleeping elevated off of the earth. During the Roman Empire the […]

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Sleep Habits of Presidents

As the President of the United States, there are many obstacles in the way of achieving reasonable health. In an online slide show, the Huffington Post breaks down the known sleep habits of a few past Presidents. Being President of US is the most stressful job in America. William Howard Taft suffered from sleep apnea […]

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Little Nemo in Google-land

Google paid homage today to the artist Winsor McCay famous for his masterful work on the comic strip “Little Nemo in Slumberland”. The comic strip was first published 107 years ago today to be exact, and appeared off and on from 1905-27 in various newspapers. The story line of Little Nemo in Slumberland followed the adventures of […]

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